Monday, July 19, 2010

Grocery Challenge: Week 5

I did another grocery run to Meijer today.  Today's total:  $53.32!  Hooray!  We're on our way to lowering our grocery bill.  I did pick up some milk from the local store on Sunday though, so the current total for the week is actually more like $57.00.

A few people have been asking for tips on lowering their grocery bill.  A common question I get is:  "Does your grocery budget include things such as toiletries, baby diapers, wipes, and cleaning products?"  No, it does not.  What you see in the pictures is what my budget includes:  Food items only.  Simply put, my family does not spend a large amount on toiletries, cleaning products, etc.  We usually get those for minimal cost at Walgreens.  We use cloth diapers and cloth wipes, and we use less than the recommended amount of cleaning products.  (No, it's not just don't need as much as they say you do.)  The cost of those items is absorbed in another budget category:  Entertainment.  That makes us think twice about how much toilet paper we use!  :)

I will continue to share new things I learn, and I welcome your questions and comments!  Teach me as you learn as well, please!

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