Friday, July 9, 2010

Grocery Challenge: Week 3 Part 2

As I wrote in my last post, I went to the semi-local grocery store on Monday for some ingredients for that night's dinner and some odds and ends for the rest of the week.  I spent $29.33 for whole milk, steak sauce, fish fry seasoning, steaks, cucumbers, toamtoes, lettuce, and onions.  The steaks were a major splurge, but sometimes it's nice to splurge!

I had two other runs to the local store for items I forgot:  vegetable oil, sour cream, and skim milk.  The total of those two trips was $6.38.

I also stopped at Walmart for Pepsi, which cost $7.36.  (Taht includes the deposit on pop cans.)

Those trips left little money to work with for my grocery run today.  As I mentioned before, we are hosting the outdoor evening church service Sunday night.  I decided to make sloppy joes, so we needed ground beef, Manwich, and buns.  We also needed drink mix for Sunday, the baby needed more milk, there was a great deal on pasta (14 cents each after coupons), and we needed rice.  I ended up paying $31.56 for the following:

What I spent:
Village Market:  $29.33
Wagoner's:  $6.38
Walmart:  $7.36
Meijer:  $31.56

Which makes my total for the week:  $74.63.  Wow!  37 cents below budget.  Not bad for having a couple over for dinner one night and feeding the main dish to approximately 40 people on Sunday!

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