Saturday, June 19, 2010

Walgreens 100 Dollar Challenge: Week 1

I have been visiting Walgreens and attempting to save money using their sales, register rewards, and coupons.  I have decided to become part of the Walgreens 100 Dollar Challenge:  100 dollars, 1 year, 1 store. 

This is my purchase from this week (June 13-19).  Here is the breakdown:

1 Post Grape Nuts Cereal
Price:  $1.99
MFG Coupon:  $2.00
Final Price:  $.01 moneymaker
RR Earned:  none

1 Nivea Men's Bodywash
Price:  $5.99
MFG Coupon:  None
Final Price:  $5.99
RR Earned:  $6.00

1 Schick Razor
Price:  $7.99
MFG Coupon:  $4.00
Final Price:  $3.99
RR Earned:  $4.00
* $7.99 Rebate Pending

1 VeggieTales Toothbrush (I needed a filler item and it's cute!)
Price:  $.49
MFG Coupon: None
Final Price:  $.49

RR Used:  $5.00 from previous Gillette Razor purchase

Subtotal Before Coupons:  $16.46
Subtotal After Coupons:  $5.46
Sales Tax:  $.51
Savings Percentage*:  67%

*(Note: Savings percentages are calculated prior to tax. Since there’s no way for me to decrease my tax amount, it is simply not factored in.)
Yearly Totals
Amount Spent: $5.46
Amount Saved: $11.00
*$7.99 Rebate Pending from Schick Razor - Will deduct from amount spent once received.


  1. Hi! Thanks for joining the challenge!!! You're blog is now in the "official" blog roll. Keep up the good work! :)

  2. Great first week!!!! Glad to see you jumping on board.
